2019 was a year I attempted to finish creating artworks that had already been started prior to 2017.
2017 and 2018 were filled with commissions, and as all artists know, our personal journeys are put on hold, our thoughts diverted and our spirits dance to another rhythm.
2017 and 2018 were filled with commissions, and as all artists know, our personal journeys are put on hold, our thoughts diverted and our spirits dance to another rhythm.
New Wacky Bird Series
Designed in 2016 but put aside these 4 crazy imaginary birds are based on the encounters of my grand children, my imagination and the want to have more wacky birds in my gallery.
Single Block hand carved commercial floor vinyl sourced from the local flooring shop in our small town.
Hand printed using my multi purpose press and hand coloured using Jo Sonya acrylic gouaches.
Hand printed using my multi purpose press and hand coloured using Jo Sonya acrylic gouaches.
New Decorated Pelican Series
Yes more Pelicans but this time I'm playing with the decoration within or outside the pelicans.
Yes more Pelicans but this time I'm playing with the decoration within or outside the pelicans.

My original idea developed in 2017 was to create brightly coloured and highly decorated pelicans.
The idea came from watching all the tattooed bodies of footballers during the winter and wondering what my beloved pelicans would look like if they wore body art as well.
I had contemplated a completely white background but my urge to decorate won out and it to is printed with white on white.
The block is vinyl flooring and hand carved then the pelicans were separated from the background by carefully cutting between the two with a knife.
This allowed the two sections to be inked up at the same time and hand printed using my multi purpose press.
Each print was then hand coloured ... some are yet to be completed.

With the above design completed I decided to create a more classy girlie image of my decorated pelican.
this was done on off white papers and the simple black and white printed image.
All done the same way but with no hand colouring, more like elegant filigree work.

Most years I suffer from Hayfever and 2017 was particularly bad. So to show how I feel I decided to do a Homage to Hayfever Season and use my favourite bird to demonstrate the feeling of being completely full of pollen and dust.
The Landscape depicts the Murray River that is the life blood of our area and the hills that I encounter driving to Albury.
Again the block is hand carved vinyl flooring, the printing is done by hand using my multi purpose press and the colouring is done with Jo Sonja acrylic gouaches.

Early mornings and late evenings are when our wild life are out and about collecting food. Food's On was designed in 2017 to show the interrelationship that exists in nature. the water that flows through our area is the Murray and it at the start and end of every day that we are made aware that everything depends on this valuable resource.
When designing this work it was anticipated that all the areas within the pelicans would be paler than the areas outside the pelicans. This all sounded great in theory but in practice it left a completely unbalanced visual statement. Consequently certain areas within the pelicans were deliberately darkened to maintain the visual balance that all artists strive for. The mind is fooled and the image is accepted.